Penggerombolan Daerah 3T di Indonesia Berdasarkan Rasio Tenaga Kesehatan dengan Metode Penggerombolan Berhierarki dan Cluster Ensemble
Cluster Analysis, Cluster Ensemble, Health Workers, Link-Based Cluster Ensemble, Underdeveloped Outer and Frontier Areas (3T)Abstract
Health is a major factor in community development. Inequality on health is most felt by people living in disadvantaged, outermost, and leading areas (3T) because of the difficulty of access to transportation and communication. Effective efforts are needed to achieve the optimal distribution of health services, one of which is by clustering 3T areas based on the ratio of health workers to see which areas are experiencing shortage of health workers and know the adequacy of the number of health workers spread in 3T areas. The object used in this research is
27 provinces 3T region in Indonesia and the applied statistical method is various hierarchical methods and Cluster Ensemble. Based on the results of this study, 3T area is divided into four clusters. The first cluster consists of 22 provinces and has good characteristics because all categories of the variables are in the medium category. The second and the third cluster consists of two provinces. The characteristics of the second cluster are good enough. The characteristics of the third cluster are not been good enough because there is one variable in the low category. The fourth cluster consists of one province and has characteristics that are not been good enough because there are several categories of the variables are in the low category.