Identification of Social Support and Knowledge of Covid-19 Survivors with Structural Equation Modeling in R


  • Nur Silviyah Rahmi Department of Statistics, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
  • Laila Masruro Pimada Department of Statistics, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
  • Reza Yesica Department of Statistics, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
  • Devi Nur Cahaya Ningsih Department of Statistics, Brawijaya University, Indonesia



covid-19 survivors, healing action, knowledge, social support, structural equation modelling


COVID-19 cases in Indonesia have finally reached a second peak amounting to 4 million cases. A number of the death rate was 3.4 percent, yet the recovery rate was 95.9 percent. The Health Ministry of Republic Indonesia through the Covid-19 Task Force has issued guidelines for preventing and controlling Covid-19 to decrease the death rate and increase the recovery rate. According to the guidelines, a person who undergoes quarantine needs to be provided with health care, and social and psychosocial support. This study seeks to identify the influence of external factors including social support, as well as internal factors including patient motivation, and knowledge on the recovery rate of Covid-19 survivors. The research methods use Structural Equation Modelling to determine the indicators that have the most significant influence on the latent variables of social support, knowledge, and motivation for healing Covid-19. Primary data collection was carried out online with a sample of 176 Covid-19 survivors across Indonesia in August 2021. The methods of the Shapiro-Wilk test for normal multivariate show the p-value at 0.00 significantly satisfies the assumption. The result shows that social support has a significant effect on knowledge with a regression coefficient is 0.263. Knowledge has a regression coefficient is 0.645 for the Healing of Covid-19. In conclusion, the higher social support provided by the patient's external parties: family, surrounding environment, and public health center officers, will impact the higher patient's knowledge and healing of Covid-19 disease. Meanwhile, social support has no significant effect on healing actions.


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How to Cite

Rahmi, N. S., Masruro Pimada, L., Yesica, R., & Nur Cahaya Ningsih, D. (2022). Identification of Social Support and Knowledge of Covid-19 Survivors with Structural Equation Modeling in R. Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications, 6(2), 287–295.


