Price Prediction Model for Red and Curly Red Chilies using Long Short Term Memory Method


  • Rizky Abdullah Falah Department of Computer Science, IPB University, Indonesia
  • Meuthia Rachmaniah Department of Computer Science, IPB University, Indonesia



chili, demand and supply, long short term memory, price predicition, root mean square error


The price data of the Strategic Food Price Information Center from May 2018 to May 2021 in 34 provinces show a fluctuated trend. Our study aimed to build predictive modeling of red chili and curly chili prices in West Java province using the Long Short Term Memory method. The red chili and curly chili prices prediction model in our study was successfully constructed and is considered very representative of predicting prices in traditional and modern markets in West Java Province. The best parameter model for red chili in the traditional market is a neuron value of 64 and a learning rate of 0.0005, and in the modern market, there are neuron values of 48 and a learning rate of 0,005. For curly chili, the best parameter model in traditional markets is a neuron value of 48 and a learning rate of 0.00075, and in the modern market, there are neuron values of 32 and a learning rate of 0,001. All models use the number of the epoch 100. The best prediction model for the price of red chili and curly red chili in traditional markets obtained the smallest root mean square error values on the test data of 2.57% and 2.07%, respectively. Meanwhile, the best price prediction model in the modern market obtained the smallest root mean square error values on the test data of 2.11% and 2.17%, respectively. Based on the root mean square error value obtained, the model is better than the other research method and shows that the variation in the value produced by a model is close to the variation in the actual value.


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How to Cite

Falah, R. A. ., & Rachmaniah, M. (2022). Price Prediction Model for Red and Curly Red Chilies using Long Short Term Memory Method. Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications, 6(1), 143–160.


