Determinants of Male Adolescents Smoking Behavior in Indonesia using Negative Binomial Regression


  • Angel Zushelma Hartono Politeknik Statistika STIS, Indonesia
  • Siskarossa Ika Oktora Politeknik Statistika STIS, Indonesia



male adolescent, smoking behavior, poisson regression, negative binomial regression


Adolescent smoking habits have become the Ministry of Health's major program associated with tobacco consumption. In 2016, the prevalence of adolescent smoking aged 10-18 years reached 8.8% and were rate increasingly against the Strategic Planning Ministry of Health 2015-2019 target to lower adolescent smoking prevalence to 5.4%. Male adolescents consuming cigarettes are higher than females. Whereas, high consumption of cigarettes in men will increase the risk of impotence and decrease reproductive health quality to affect future generations' quality. This study aims to determine the general picture of smoking behavior in Indonesia's male adolescent in 2018 and any variables that affect the number of cigarettes consumed. The analytical method used is Poisson Regression and Negative Binomial Regression. The data source used is raw data Riskesdas 2018 with the unit of analysis are male adolescent smokers aged 10-18 years. Research indicates that most male adolescents are light smokers. Heavy smokers were dominated by older age, living in a rural area, poorly educated, employed, lived with a household head who was a smoker, and had low education. Age, location of residence, education level, working status, smoking status, and household head education level significantly affect male adolescents' smoking behavior.


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How to Cite

Hartono, A. Z., & Oktora, S. I. (2021). Determinants of Male Adolescents Smoking Behavior in Indonesia using Negative Binomial Regression. Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications, 5(1), 182–194.


