A Study on Accuracy of Paddy Harvest Area Estimation on Area Sampling Frame Method

Kajian Ketepatan Pendugaan Luas Panen Padi pada Metode Pengambilan Kerangka Sampel Area


  • Mulianto Raharjo Department of Statistics, IPB University, Indonesia
  • Anang Kurnia Department of Statistics, IPB University, Indonesia
  • Hari Wijayanto Department of Statistics, IPB University, Indonesia




area sampling frame, BPS Statistics, paddy harvest area, simulation


There was unsynchronized national rice data until 2017, which indicating that influenced by the differences in calculation methods between government agencies. The Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS Statistics), the most responsible agency for national rice data, collected rice plant areas data using the paddy statistical assessment method (SP-Padi). Subjective elements from various parties potentially influenced the result of this assessment method. The development of a new method to overcome this matter has been started by the government since 1993. In 2018 the method, which is named the Area Sample Frame (ASF) method, was officially used by the government under the coordination of BPS. The ASF method divides the area into grids: blocks, segments, and sub-segments. This new method has several issues related to the methodology used in determining the sampling method. This study was conducted to evaluate the accuracy of paddy harvest area estimation on the ASF method through a sampling simulation process of the ASF method with various scenarios. With 20 simulated scenario combinations, it was found that the difference percentage average between the harvested area of the population and the harvested area of the sample to the sub-district area was 0.00062%, and the mean square error (MSE) was 0.0041%. So it can be concluded that the ASF methodology is an unbiased method and is good enough to accommodate various strata diversity in any region.


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How to Cite

Raharjo, M., Kurnia, A., & Wijayanto, H. (2022). A Study on Accuracy of Paddy Harvest Area Estimation on Area Sampling Frame Method: Kajian Ketepatan Pendugaan Luas Panen Padi pada Metode Pengambilan Kerangka Sampel Area. Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications, 6(1), 41–49. https://doi.org/10.29244/ijsa.v6i1p41-49




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