Application of Fuzzy C-Means and Weighted Scoring Methods for Mapping Blankspot Villages in Pemalang Regency


  • Imam Adiyana Department of Statistics, IPB University, Indonesia
  • I Made Sumertajaya Department of Statistics, IPB University, Indonesia
  • Farit M Afendi Department of Statistics, IPB University, Indonesia



blankspot, data validation, fuzzy c-means, weighted scoring


Covid-19 pandemic affects habits people around the world. The education sector in Indonesia is also undergoing policy changes, namely policy of transitioning face-to-face teaching and learning process to distance learning process (PJJ/online learning). Several studies have been conducted to examine the constraints PJJ process, resulting in finding that quality of internet network is majority obstacle in PJJ process. Conditions where there is no internet network in an area is commonly called a blankspot. In order to minimize the problem of blankspots, President and Ministry of Communication and Informatics of Indonesia realized the program "Indonesia is free signals to the corners of the country". This program involves all districts in Indonesia to conduct network quality surveys in the smallest areas of the village.  Basically, network quality survey activities require relatively no small resources and costs. So as to conduct the efficiency of field survey activities, early detection of village blankspot status is required based on the characteristics blankspot village in general. While the commonly used method of grouping village based on village characteristics is the fuzzy c-means and weighted scoring method. These two methods were chosen because they have good cluster convergence rate and easily interpreted display results of the group by user in the form diagrams and scores. This study aims to prove that fuzzy c-means and weighted scoring method are good for grouping cases of blankspot villages according to previous studies with different cases. The result comparison goodness value of clustering, it is known that fuzzy c-means method more suitable for clustering characteristics blankspot village than the k-means method. Meanwhile, weighted scoring method cannot be said better method for village classification than the decision tree method.


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How to Cite

Adiyana, I. ., Sumertajaya, I. M., & Afendi, F. M. . (2022). Application of Fuzzy C-Means and Weighted Scoring Methods for Mapping Blankspot Villages in Pemalang Regency. Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications, 6(1), 77–89.


