Analysis of Covid-19 Risk Perception Survey Result Using Generalized Structured Component Analysis

Analisis Hasil Survei Persepsi Risiko Covid-19 Menggunakan Generalized Structured Component Analysis


  • Zahira Rahvenia Robert Department of Statistics, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
  • Akbar Rizki Department of Statistics, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
  • Budi Susetyo Department of Statistics, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
  • Sulfikar Amir Nanyang Technological University, Singapore



GSCA, nonlinear GSCA, risk perception, SEM


The capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta, became the province with the highest number of Covid-19. Response this situation, LaporCovid-19 collaborate with the Social Resilience Lab, Nanyang Technological University conducted a survey to measure how Jakarta residents perceive the risk of Covid-19 from May 29 to June 20 2020. Factors of risk perception are variables that cannot be measured directly, so they are analyzed used a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach, namely Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). The Likert scale used can be considered as interval or ordinal depending on the point of view of the theory built. Therefore, this study will compare the GSCA method with the nonlinear GSCA and evaluate six variables, namely risk perception, knowledge, information, health behavior , social capital, and economy. Evaluation of the overall model showed that the nonlinear GSCA model can explain the diversity of qualitative data better than the GSCA model with FIT > 0.9. Based on GSCA nonlinear model, information has significantly influence of knowledge, economy and social capital have a real reciprocal relationship, along knowledge and risk perception have significantly influence of health behavior.


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How to Cite

Robert, Z. R., Rizki, A., Susetyo, B., & Amir, S. (2022). Analysis of Covid-19 Risk Perception Survey Result Using Generalized Structured Component Analysis: Analisis Hasil Survei Persepsi Risiko Covid-19 Menggunakan Generalized Structured Component Analysis. Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications, 6(2), 336–347.


