Handling Multicollinearity Problems in Indonesia's Economic Growth Regression Modeling Based on Endogenous Economic Growth Theory

Penanganan Masalah Multikolinieritas pada Pemodelan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Berdasarkan Teori Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Endogenous


  • Aldino Yanke Badan Pusat Statistik, Indonesia
  • Nofrida Elly Zendrato Badan Pusat Statistik, Indonesia
  • Agus M Soleh Department of Statistics, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia




endogenous economic growth, lasso, multicollinearity


One of the multiple linear regression applications in economics is Indonesia’s economic growth model based on the theory of endogenous economic growth. Endogenous economic theory is the development of classical theory which cannot explain how the economy grows in the long run. The regression model based on the theory of endogenous economic growth used many independent variables, which caused multicollinearity problems. In this study, the multiple linear regression model using the least-squares estimation method and some methods to handle the multicollinearity problem was implemented. Variable selection methods (backward, forward, and stepwise), principal component regression (PCR), partial least square (PLS), and regularization methods (Ridge, Lasso, and Elastic Net) were applied to solve the multicollinearity problem. Variable selection method with backward, forward, and stepwise has not been able to overcome the problem of multicollinearity. In contrast, Principal Component Regression, PLS regression, and regularization regression methods overcame the multicollinearity problem. We used "leave one out cross-validation" (LOOCV) to determine the best method for handling multicollinearity problems with the smallest mean square of error (MSE). Based on the MSE value, the best method to overcome the multicollinearity problem in the economic growth model based on endogenous economic growth theory was the Lasso regression method.


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How to Cite

Yanke, A., Zendrato, N. E., & Soleh, A. M. (2022). Handling Multicollinearity Problems in Indonesia’s Economic Growth Regression Modeling Based on Endogenous Economic Growth Theory: Penanganan Masalah Multikolinieritas pada Pemodelan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Berdasarkan Teori Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Endogenous. Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications, 6(2), 228–244. https://doi.org/10.29244/ijsa.v6i2p214-230




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